Saturday, February 1, 2014


Below is an image taken and created by Simon Harsent for The World Wildlife Fund (WWF). The image has a great use of photography by turning these animals into “ghosts”. This is powerful because it makes the viewer see that these animals that are endangered could be gone for good one day. As an animal lover myself, I hope more people realize that these animals need our help to survive, so we have to stop killing them and destroying their habitats. I love how Simon kept it clean and simple, so it doesn't steal the focus away from the animals.

Source: D&AD and Taschen. Every Thing is Advertising and Design in the World. 9 Graphics Made: The Best Square, Vauxhall Walk, London. 2010. Print page 375.

1 comment:

  1. This is AMAZING, Brianna! I had to enlarge the image to see that they are penguins. I'm an animal lover too, and anything that will help to educate people about endangered species and extinction is wonderful. It's so sad to think of all of the species that have become or are becoming extinct. Beautiful image.
